The Sims Survivor Challenge – Episode 5 – Finale

This was a fun (and suspenseful, for me) read!

Life at Ponderosa – Mat

GG Newsletter April 16th, 2014 – April 22nd, 2014

What's Hot

by Ra345

Are you a wizard? Or perhaps a fairy godmother of some kind? Oh..neither? Well then, maybe you’re just a fan! A fan of the supernatural, a fan of the mysticism and magic all around us – a fan of fairy tales, myth and legend! I know I am a huge fan of these things, and I’m sure many of you are as well. Armed with this knowledge, I bring you: Once Upon a Time. This is both a CAS and a building contest, and you must do both parts in order to be entered. Don’t fret though – you have until the end of April (April 28th) to get this done, which leaves lots of time for trial and error. Simply choose a fairy tale (or myth or legend) that really speaks to you. The second step is to create a household with sims representing the characters in the story and some kind of build to go along with it. You’ll probably want to build the main “scene” – so Rapunzels Tower, Red Riding Hoods Grandmothers house, etc. Be creative and have fun with it! I’m going to do my best to enter this one, and will be doing so with a legend that’s very well known – but only in my area! So it’ll be a fun way to share the story with you all.


It’s funny because the day he announced we made it to the jury, I said to myself I won’t feel so bad when I get voted out.


Once Upon A Time, in a land not so far away (see what I’m doing here? If not, read the first contest again) and a time seeming to be on the fringes of our memory, is the Gifting Angels. For those who don’t know, the Gifting Angels is a time where you celebrate two wonderful members of our Gift Giving Community who do not have wishlists. You can write them something nice, create something within your game, etc. I think it’s a great idea because not everyone has a wishlist (or at least not a very long one) so this is a different “program” to celebrate them. This month it’s back and being hosted by TK and Lala. You can find it here, but remember if you sign up you have to do something nice for both honourees! To make sure they don’t conflict with Flash Mob, the gift giving date is April 22, 2014 – so make sure you get those names soon!

Announcements header



  • jackiemalek
  • Jennygirl

  • JDJZ
  • marcel21
  • Mimine17
  • Mychro5
  • readreadreadread
  • vickijones
  • yoda65

  • Curlykatz
  • lopithecus
  • springfalls

  • Rainbutterfly19

  • GirlGamer
  • Icy_Lava
  • SAB1414
  • xSapphireSimx

  • cntrlswthart
  • JBAG521
  • TnT_Terry

  • dsweetrain
  • PetaT
  • TrevorAtTiffanys

Be sure to stop by the Birthday Directory and wish them a good one!


    • matmoate recently hit 500 posts! Congratulations!
    • jeLlyBeAn1573 recently reached 500 posts! Woo! Way to go! Congrats!!
    • chocbubbles reached the 1,500 mark! Congrats!
    • ladydarkmoon24 recently reached 500 posts! Awesome job!
    • JediAriel recently reached 4,500 posts! Congratulations! What fun!

sims-horoscope-header Ra


March 21-April 19

Trust in yourself.


April 20-May 20

Beware of ladders, bad luck will find you if you go under them.


May 21-June 20

You will find consolation in a companion.


June 21-July 22

Friends do not always appear to be friends, just as enemies sometimes appear to be friends.


July 23-August 22

You are your own worst critic.


August 23-September 22

Laughter is the best medicine.


September 23-October 22

Appreciate the things around you, they may not always be there.


October 23-November 21

Keep your eye on the prize.


November 22-December 21

Life is what you make of it, do your best to keep a positive outlook.


December 22-January 19

Believe in yourself! You ca do anything you put your mind to.


January 20-February 18

The grass is always greener on the other side.


February 19-March 20

Try to see the lighter side of things.

How to be Amazing when you don’t have Simpoints

Sometimes I wonder how many people feel badly about themselves within the GG. How many of us secretly think we aren’t liked because we don’t have simpoints to spend on others – or ourselves? I think that number may be higher than people assume. Worse yet, some people may think that they won’t be liked unless they spend money on simpoints and purchase more than they may be able to afford. Stretching yourself thin is bad – stretching yourself thin financially can be a lot worse.

To combat this (at least a little) I want to share with you some of the ways you can be an amazing addition to the community – without spending a dime. This isn’t a fool proof method though, you have to actually want to do these things. Emotion might be difficult to express over the internet, but if you are insincere people will know very quickly. You do not have to do all of these, or any of these for that matter. They are suggestions on what you could do, not rules.

1. Read. Try to remember to reread your post before hitting submit. Maybe you were a little angry when you wrote it and looking at it again will help you avoid a confrontation you didn’t mean to start. Maybe something is unclear, or could be misinterpreted?

2. Know your audience. The GG is a very kind and welcoming place, but if you bring up hot topics (let’s use politics as an example here) then you can expect a heated debate to ensue. Debates online often end up into arguments where nobody wins. If you’ve made 1000 nice posts, but then get into a big argument – people will remember the argument more than the other posts. This is because people have better memories for things that have insulted or hurt them in some way. This is not to say that you can never argue with anyone, simply that a lot of hot button issues are not relevant to the game – and maybe you should reconsider before posting.

3. Take part in contests! People love having entries into their contests, it makes them feel like their hard work is worth it. So go ahead, enter! It doesn’t matter if you’re the best builder/sim creator/story teller, just try and people will respect you for it. You might even place!

4. Offer to help judge. If you’re a good builder/sim creator/story teller but don’t want to take part in the contest (perhaps you own the venue being offered, etc) you may always offer to help them judge! Usually the host will have it stated if they are looking for more judges, or if they do not want any more of them. Take a peek and see if you could potentially offer your services.

5. Create Gifts. Not everyone has the money for simpoints. Not everyone has a wishlist on the site. Everyone has the ability to go within the game they already own and make something. If there is a certain simmer you want to gift (or maybe a group?) you can always make them something within your game and present it to them. These “homemade” gifts take time and effort, but they come from the heart and are thoughtful. Everyone loves them, some people may even like them more than gifts off their wishlist! It’s a great way to show how much you enjoy someone’s friendship without spending any money. Note that this kind of thing can also be used as a prize for a contest if you really want to host! Just be sure to mention it beforehand so people are well aware.

While on the subject of homemade gifts, I thought I would plug a thread in the GG right this minute. The AMAYzing Homemade Gift Exchange is open and taking letters! They are only taking them until April 14th though so be sure to get yours in ASAP if you want to take part. You can read all the details by following the link, but I’ll give you the basic rundown here:

1. Write your letter and post it.
2. You’ll receive a name, go read that person’s letter. (Don’t say who it is until gifting has started!)
3. Get creative!
4. Don’t forget to check in on the right dates (or close to) so the hosts know you’re still participating. Everyone deserves to receive something if they are participating after all!
5. Show off the awesome (sorry, amazing!) gift you created!
6. Receive the amazing gift someone else created for you!

Five ways to be an amazing addition to the community without spending any money. Some of these require you to spend a little extra time on things, but when you care about someone/something you make the time for it.

If you have another way to be amazing within the GG (without having the spend any money) please leave it as a comment! I’m sure people would like to hear your ideas too!

April Flash Mob: My Experience Being the Honouree!

Before we start into it, I’m going to quickly go over what Flash Mob is, the gifts you can give, and how you can join the next one!


In January 2012, Immskayleah came up with a plan to wanted to take out a GG member’s wish list. Her reason behind it was simple. This person was/is a very active member of the simming community, selflessly giving of their time and friendship to many on the forums. After coming up with this plan Immskayleah asked Goddess0676sm (our previous facilitator) if she would be willing to assist her in recruiting the community to help take down this member’s massive WL. We were successful in forming a mob of gifter’s and took that GG member’s WL down to practically nothing. They didn’t know what hit them. ** 

During the week of plotting the endeavor took on a life of its own. It was decided by many that this was a something worthy of a monthly event, and thus the Flash Mob was born and given it’s name by our own, Pnoles. 

In February, 2013, when Goddess0676sm reluctantly decided to step down as our facilitator, the position was handed to ErnesaT. 

Each month’s hosts (whomever they may be) pick a deserving target/member to honor. That member has shown great willingness to get involved within the community, are active, selfless and show great kindness and willingness to help others before helping themselves. We appreciate this, and in return we honor their dedication with as many gifts as we can throw! 

BUT, these gifts DO NOT need to be gifts from their wishlist. There are lots of gifts that can be given that do not require simpoints. 
For example: 
– A kind word, poem, story etc. 
– Rec’s to their studio 
– Making Sims 
– Making Pets 
– Patterns 
– Recolours (Items, clothing, hair, accessories..) 
– Building Houses 
– Building Community Lots 
– Be creative! 

* Not everyone uses CC, so please refrain from using CC in any of your creations! 
* Don’t upload your creations to your studio until the 8th please! You may export them to your launcher ready, but no early gifts! “


Those of you who follow the blog may know that I (Ra345, for those who don’t know!)  was one of the hosts for the March 2014 Flash Mob. I had a blast doing it, and wrote a post about my experience hosting. So I guess now I’ve seen every side of the Flash Mob! haha, but I didn’t know that until two days ago. When I first found out April was going to be hosted by Sam and Harry, I knew I’d be able to email to discover the target before officially becoming a mobber. I have anxiety about “needing” to complete a gift for someone if I don’t have a lot of ideas, so I asked nicely if I could know who it was without being added to the list. Both gave me the same answer: TK.


TK – totally a deserving guy! I really liked the idea, but I had a problem: I didn’t know what to make him! TK loves big houses (and I do mean it when I say BIG) and I’m not a great builder, so I was panicking. I also know how much he enjoys Russian culture, but I don’t own that set so I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull anything off as well as I wanted. About a week before Flash Mob day I got an idea and started trying to work on it…but then real life got in the way…it isn’t done yet.

The day of Flash Mob I was feeling so guilty – my gift wasn’t done! Not only was it not done, I didn’t even have access to my game to try and finish it! So I went about my busy day trying to console myself since I can finish and share with him afterwards if need be. In my meeting I quickly checked twitter – someone had sent me a link via twitter! However, I can’t open links on my phone (just normal phone stuff, and twitter) so I ignored it, thinking it was a contest I could include next time life slowed down enough for me to write a newsletter. My meeting was running late, so I stepped out to grab a snack. On the way I checked twitter again and discovered I was the Flash Mob HONOUREE! I was so surprised! Too Surprised…a large part of me thought it might be a prank. Several twitter notifications later I checked my email and saw several gift messages. That was such a huge shock! All of a sudden, it was real.

I’ve often made jokes about wanting to be the honouree, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I ever actually would be. There are so many amazing people on the GG forum board, it still seems so surreal that I was chosen! That’s right, two days later I am still overwhelmed and feeling like someone might come out and tell me I’ve been “punked”.  That’s later in the story though – we’re still early on in the day…

I was still in my meeting, but I was so surprised I squeaked a little and teared up. The other people in my meeting? They were very confused about why I was so emotional over the pitch we were preparing. I did my best to play it off, but the rest of the meeting I was bouncing in my seat with excitement. Those of you who may follow me/the blog on twitter will know that I tweeted my initial reactions there. I raced home afterwards and put water on to boil while I opened my laptop. I was determined to get myself to the thread and start thanking people in real time as I opened gifts. I was so excited, I was shacking – I had to try three times before i got my password right (the downside to a long password haha).

Being the honouree was an amazing experience, though I was so overwhelmed the whole time I felt like I wasn’t thinking straight. I’ve always thought of myself as one of the bit parts within the forum – just kind of doing my part to make it the amazing place that it is. I always enjoy the thrill of getting a name and knowing how surprised they’ll be – the sneaky feeling when you’re talking to them knowing what you know (and hoping you don’t let it slip). The fear and excitement when you post your gift, worried they won’t like it but really excited about finally being able to send it and finding out what they think! Hopefully that isn’t just me…

I know I did a lot of thank yous on the thread itself, but I think you all deserve another one (or million, so feel free to read this over and over until you feel you’ve been properly thanked). Harry and Sam – this was a huge surprise! Thank you for thinking of me, of feeling me worthy enough for something like Flash Mob and the kind of praise/prestige that it brings.I also want to thank Ernesa, who while doesn’t choose the honouree does “okay” them as far as making sure they meet certain qualifications.  It is an amazing feeling to be noticed and appreciated for what you do, and I hope everyone gets to feel it – whether it is online or in person.

I want to thank everyone who participated in Flash Mob! Whether you knocked something off my wishlist, created something special for me, came in to say a few nice words (or a song, in Emilys’ case), or even if you just lurked and recommended a few of the gifts! They were great gifts, and deserve those recs’! All of you made April 8, 2014 a date I’ll hold dear to me for a very long time, and made this month so much brighter. I often feel overjoyed by the amount of kindness I can find within the GG – whether it is being given to me or to another person – but never have I been moved to tears multiple times in the same day like that! Even thinking about it now, I’m worried I may tear up.

You have all been amazing, and I hope to somehow provide each of you with the happiness that you have given me.

First Impressions with SummerFalls!

First Impressions heqader


It has been far too long since I’ve done a First Impressions interview. So here to kick us back into gear is SummerFalls, who has kindly agreed to let me interview him for the blog. Thank you SummerFalls! I’m just going to jump right into it!

1. Roughly when did you start posting in the GG? Had you lurked before this?

I roughly started posting at the start of 2014. I never actually entered the forums before that, I just played my sims games and kept to myself for the year before I started posting on the GG!

2. What inspired you to start posting?

Well, I started to upload creations onto the exchange, and I started to feel like I wanted to get more involved within the community. So when I saw the name forum, I quickly clicked on it and found the GG forum, which to me was a good forum to start in! I think my first post was on a competition post and not the landing pad… oops lol!

3. Looking back, who do you think was your first “forum friend”?

I think my first forum friend was Laella, at the time I was entering her park competition, so I sent her a friend request! She was super friendly and nice, and she gave input into my creations as I was building them! I really appreciate Laella as my first forum friend! (I don’t know if she knows it!)

4. Are there any people that you would pinpoint as extra friendly within the forum? If so, why?

I think one person who is extra friendly is Rosemow! When you upload a competition entry or creation, rosemow will always compliment it and describe it positively in great detail, also she looks forward to seeing finished creations of WIP pics you’ve posted! Another ‘community’ should I add that is extra friendly is the Mafia community! I’ve only started playing Mafia / Slasher and the community is really friendly and welcoming, although the game gets quite serious, it’s funny at points! The Mafia Community shows you the rules and if you’re a newbie like me, don’t worry, if you’re stuck people will guide you!

5. You have participated in Mafia, Flash Mob, and a bunch of contests and lottos – is there anything within the forum you don’t feel comfortable with?

Not really, I find that the forum is quite welcoming and inviting and it’s overall good!

6. What are your favourite kind of contests within our forum? Why?

I think my favourite kind of contests are imaginative (building or CaS) ones, whether it be on a fairy tale or on a specific destination because they cause your mind to go to all sorts of places and you can create all sorts of ideas on how to make it personal to you. You can also make it original and creative, and you can branch your ideas out to create all sorts of beautiful creations which will amaze and inspire everyone. 🙂

7. If there was one thing about the GG that you would never want to see change, what would it be?

The prizes! Only joking XD. It’d be the people that I’d never want to see change, everyone in the GG forum is so friendly and amazing that without them the GG forum would not be such a good forum to be in at the moment. I say the people because they are the most friendly people I’ve met on the internet and there’s always love to be shared in the GG forum!

8. Could you describe the forum in one word?

Amazeballs. 😛

9. To know a little bit more about you: What is your favourite expansion pack? Why?

Supernatural is my favourite expansion pack! I’m in love with fantasy and I always have been so when Supernatural came out I ran to GAME straight after school and I picked it up and screamed at the man to scan it! XD But, the supernatural creatures are what make me go berserk on this pack, they all look so amazing! I remember I played a vampire, and he almost converted the entire town until I left for dinner and accidentally left my sims game playing and he went into the sunlight… I was so gutted! Also, the furniture and clothing included is perfect for  medieval sims if you don’t own any of the medieval store content!

10. Do you have a favourite world to play in? If so, which one and why?

It’d probably be Moonlight Falls due to the range of medievalness and the victorian style houses! I love moonlight falls due to the massive parts of greenland, and that it’s more open spaced and not compacted together like other towns. I don’t own any store bought worlds unless Riverview counts! But, I think Hidden Springs may become my favourite if I ever were to get it!

11. Finally, is there anything you would like to add?

Feel free to send me a friend request! I’m always friendly… I don’t bite 😀


Want to see yourself up here? Know someone you’d like to see interviewed for First Impressions/Familiar Faces?
Email us to let us know!

GG Newsletter March 12th, 2014 – March 18th, 2014

What's Hot

by Ra345

Are you a wizard? Or perhaps a fairy godmother of some kind? Oh..neither? Well then, maybe you’re just a fan! A fan of the supernatural, a fan of the mysticism and magic all around us – a fan of fairy tales, myth and legend! I know I am a huge fan of these things, and I’m sure many of you are as well. Armed with this knowledge, I bring you: Once Upon a Time. This is both a CAS and a building contest, and you must do both parts in order to be entered. Don’t fret though – you have until the end of April (April 28th) to get this done, which leaves lots of time for trial and error. Simply choose a fairy tale (or myth or legend) that really speaks to you. The second step is to create a household with sims representing the characters in the story and some kind of build to go along with it. You’ll probably want to build the main “scene” – so Rapunzels Tower, Red Riding Hoods Grandmothers house, etc. Be creative and have fun with it! I’m going to do my best to enter this one, and will be doing so with a legend that’s very well known – but only in my area! So it’ll be a fun way to share the story with you all.


“I think I will plead the fifth on this one”


Did the last contest intimidate you? Was it the building? I knew it was the building! Well, have no fear – GreenCats is here! GreenCats is hosting a wonderful contest for everyone who might be a bit shy about their building skills..or lack thereof. Beginners Building Contest is up and running until April 2nd, so you should consider joining in sooner rather than later. Not sure if you count as a beginner? There is a checklist! If you’ve been shy about joining build contests because of all of the amazing building the GG already has – this contest is for you! You’ll be creating a home with at least two bedrooms (lot should be somewhere between 20×20 and 40×40), and a lot of the amazing builders I previously mentioned are lurking in the thread, ready to pounce on any questions you may have. So step out of the shadows, enhance your skills – be a better builder! Did I mention the prizes? I didn’t? Well…click the link and go see what you might get for trying to improve your skill set. You won’t regret it!

Announcements header



  • pandachute

  • butterflyarashi
  • katie_legacy

  • baxter_milo

  • DeathNoteSim
  • kshadden
  • Majestyk
  • ruthless_kk

  • CookinCookie
  • LadySandstorm
  • Mitsuki
  • Neady134

  • KayYield
  • kristenwoods
  • mom24kidz

  • 301001
  • LeaHavoc
  • RacerPQR

Be sure to stop by the Birthday Directory and wish them a good one!


    • Harry recently hit 12,000 posts! Only a month after Katie!
    • ForeverFranconia recently reached 1,000 posts! Woo! Way to go! Congrats!!
    • mcsnjb reached the 2,000 mark! Congrats!
    • Nanatorium recently reached 3,000 posts! Awesome job!

sims-horoscope-header Ra


March 21-April 19

Try explaining things a different way, it may get you further.


April 20-May 20

It’s that special time of year, get into the spirit! No matter the holiday, there is always a reason to celebrate and be nice.


May 21-June 20

Don’t Panic! There is still time, staying calm will help more than panicking.


June 21-July 22

There is always room for one more.


July 23-August 22

Choose your friends wisely.


August 23-September 22

Do not judge a person by their family, judge them by their friends – they chose them.


September 23-October 22

Life is worth living, always look for the light.


October 23-November 21

Keep your eye on the prize.


November 22-December 21

Life is what you make of it, do your best to keep a positive outlook.


December 22-January 19

Believe in yourself! You ca do anything you put your mind to.


January 20-February 18

You are never alone, reach out for help when you need it.


February 19-March 20

Try to see the lighter side of things.

The Sims Survivor: Four Worlds Player Feature

I’m back with another player feature! This time I got to sit down with Laxy (also known as GalaxyAlways) to discuss his thoughts on the game. For those who don’t follow the reality show – we are now down to the Final Five: Nana, Laxy, Sarah, Loppie and Katie. Things are really heating up!


1. When you first started to play, did you have an idea as to who your biggest rival may be?

Not really, as when I first joined I was still relatively new and not very familiar with everyone or how this game would go. However, I did have an idea of who my biggest competition would be, and who I definitely knew would be strong competitors. This list included Skelda, Katie, Nana, Lala…etc.

2. Have you ever played a reality show before? How is TSS different?

Yes, I have played in many before. The Sims Survivor is different because in the other shows I was playing as a sim with their own personality, but in TSS I am playing as myself. The result of this is an emotional ride that I did NOT expect coming into this. Instead of everything that happens being directed at my sim and watching them either succeed or fail, it was directed at me. This made everything feel so personal, and it made all the drama so much worse. I’m all about playing to win, I like to strategize and win competitions – I’m not used to the emotional side of the game. I didn’t expect to be so affected by what went on in the game, but I was completely wrong – certain points in the game took a huge toll on me emotionally. That being said, I love getting to play as myself for once, it makes it so much more exciting!

3. What made you want to play The Sims Survivor?

Simple: I LOVE reality shows! Big Brother, Survivor, anything cooking-related…I watch them all. I’m also a very competitive person – I really hate losing. Any chance I get to excel at something, I take it. On top of my (unhealthy) obsession with reality shows and competitive drive, I also knew Harry from playing mafia and that got me interested in joining his show – he seemed like he really knew what he was doing, and that’s always good in a host.

4. What has been your favourite challenge so far? Why?

They are all fun in different ways! Sometimes a big, long challenge is fun and exciting – but sometimes I have no time and I prefer the short ones that I can finish in a few minutes. As for my favourite, I really like anything to do with CAS, as I feel that is where I’m strongest.

5. Would you say having an alliance is of more value than winning challenges?

Yes. Alliances are everything in these games, if you have one you don’t need to win challenges – you don’t even have to try. Unfortunately that’s how some people have played, relying on their alliance to stay in week after week. I really hate that, but at the same time it is a valid strategy: fly under the radar the whole game then come out with not a single drop of blood on you. It’s a good way to win, but it’s not the kind of game I respect. I usually root for the underdog who has had to fight their way through the game. I have always been sort of a lone wolf in this game, and I really rely on the challenges to keep me safe.

6. Of those no longer in the game, who do you think was the biggest threat to you?

Oh this is easy…Pegs! Pegs was your standard well-rounded player – social, good at challenges, and likeable. He was honestly the person I was most scared of, as I knew everyone liked him so much I didn’t know if we would ever get him out. When he left I was thrilled, as I really don’t think any of us stood a chance against him. He played a good game, but I knew we had to vote him out. Aye Aye, Captain Pegs!

7. If you were put on jury right now (with all remaining players in the finals) would you know who you would vote for to win?


Flash Mob Madness

I know today is Wednesday and I usually will do KUWTGG blog today. However I’m still really under the weather, so instead I’d like to do something else so I can quickly go take a nap. I should be back on track next week if I start feeling better, and I’m very sorry to those of you who have been waiting ever so patiently for the newsletter to return.

As you should know by now – I am hosting flash mob this month. I am not alone! I am cohosting with 2Mahawk – a fellow Canadian! My cohost and I have been rather active behind the scenes discussing games to have during the month. So I thought it’d be fun to document my thoughts and feelings that I’ve gone through during the month. Before I do that though I want to make sure I have the link to the thread here.

 photo 600MarFM14banner_zps60914462.jpg

As you all already know, Flash Mob for any month opens the month prior. That way mobbers have plenty of time to plot our hit (because, you know, we’re really a secret mafia…aka the mob). This month was not an exception, though it did open a bit later than intended. Why? Real life. That annoying thing we all have and are all understanding about. Despite that – I honestly think Flash Mob is shaping up to be the best Flash Mob EVER.

Honestly time: the very first feeling I felt when I discovered I would be hosting March Flash Mob 2014. Can anyone guess? If you guessed excited/joy/overwhelming happiness…you’re wrong. The very first thing I felt was panic. What if I messed everything up? What if my cohost and I couldn’t agree on a target? Flash Mob needs someone to hit! What if I accidentally let slip who the target was? I seriously thought of almost every worst case scenario you can within the first five minutes. Then I opened up my email and did what needed done – I emailed Ernesa.

Now, I thought about emailing her asking to be replaced. I mean, those first few hours I was certain I was not up to the job. I would not be able to do Flash Mob justice, I wasn’t worthy. Obviously, I did not email her these thoughts and I pushed through. I signed up because I wanted to do it – and I decided I would not let me anxiety get the better of me. I’m very glad I made that decision.

Shortly after I got over my extreme anxiety and panic there was a flood of excitement as we discussed who we wanted to target. I already had a few people in mind, but doing some research I found several others that I thought would be a perfect fit! To my surprise, 2Mahawk found some other names that I hadn’t thought of that were great as well. This all added up to some issues deciding.

I won’t go into detail about how our target was chosen, but we were both happy with the result. All that was left was to open the thread. I was so pleased with how smoothly everything was going – and then all the emails came. I was so excited to see how much everyone cared about Flash Mob and the GG community! It was an overwhelming thing to me, the love and support and feeling of participation.

I was not – am not – friends with everyone who has signed up for Flash Mob. I respect them all, and can’t think of a negative thing to say about any of them. So why don’t I call all of them my friends? Simple, I don’t know them all well enough to feel comfortable doing so. This feeling of respect, of happiness towards them, is very different from what you find on forums for other games. It’s a feeling of a nurturing, positive community that hosting Flash Mob this month has reaffirmed for me. I knew GG was a good community before the thread opened, but I now know without a shadow of a doubt.

This month has been hectic. This month has been stressful at times. This month I have been ill. This month has been the best month I have had on the forums. This month I host Flash Mob.

“The Sims Survivor: Four Worlds” Player Feature

I’m sure you have all seen the thread for The Sims Survivor: Four Worlds. The game is a forum adaptation of the popular reality show, Survivor. I’m back with another interview! This time, it’s Sassy Sarah – otherwise known as saschatilo. Sarah has kindly agreed to answer some questions for us, and I’m sure you’re all dying to know the answers!

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1. When you first started to play, did you have an idea as to who your biggest rival may be?
No, I had no idea. I had no idea of who my biggest rival would be just because this is my first time playing.

2. What made you want to play The Sims Survivor?
It look really fun. When I first signed up, there were a few spots left and I though, “What the heck.” I might as well try it out.

3. Did you think you’d make it to the merge?
Never in a million years did I think I’d make it to the merge. I’m not certain, but I think I’m the only newbie left. It’s tough being new. You don’t know who to trust and you really don’t know what your doing.

4. What has been your favourite challenge so far? Why?
I would have to say that my favorite challenge so far has been Challenge 3, Extreme Makeover: Out of This World because we got to really work as a team. It was fun trying to map out a sim with no pictures allowed and having to figure out how you and all of your teammates can get on the same page. Our team made the deadline with only minutes to spare so it was a nervous sort of fun.

5. Would you say having an alliance is of more value than winning challenges?
That’s a tough question! I’m not sure. Having an alliance is nice because you have people looking out for you, but at the same time, you don’t know if you can fully trust these people. Winning challenges guarantees you can’t get voted for. I guess it all comes down to how big and strong your alliance really is.

6. Would you say you feel more confident now that the merge has happened, or when you were on a tribe?
I was way more confident on a tribe because I felt more useful. Standing alone, I don’t think my value as a player really comes across. It’s strange because in real life, I’d rather work alone and here, I want a team!